Ebook gratuit Tattoo Tarot Ink Intuition

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Tattoo Tarot Ink Intuition

Tattoo Tarot Ink Intuition

Tattoo Tarot Ink Intuition

Ebook gratuit Tattoo Tarot Ink Intuition

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Tattoo Tarot Ink Intuition

Détails sur le produit

Cartes: 78 pages

Editeur : Laurence King Publishing; Édition : Ncr (6 août 2018)

Langue : Anglais

ISBN-10: 1786272059

ISBN-13: 978-1786272058

Dimensions du produit:

11,1 x 5,4 x 15,9 cm

Moyenne des commentaires client :

5.0 étoiles sur 5

4 commentaires client

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26.484 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)

Jolie Tarot de 78 lames, le Valet ici est appelé Knave, les pentacles coins. Le cartes sont des bonne qualité et la boite est vraiment jolie. Tous entièrement en anglais. Le petit livre est génial et explique très bien le jeu du tarot. Seul petit bémol son les arcanes mineurs avec des désignes tres simple (trois bâton ecc) alors que le jeu est appelé « Ink&Intuition » (encre et intuition). Les arcanes majeurs sont très jolie et bien faites.

Malgré un retard dans l'expédition (dont j'aurais bien aimé être informée!), j'ai reçu le jeu une semaine après le délai de livraison.La boite est ravissante, très bon état tout comme les cartes. Le design est superbe et de très bonne qualité. On y retrouve bien les arcanes mineures et majeures, avec un livraison d'explications sur la signification de chaque carte et trois idées de tirages. A noter cependant que le livret est entièrement en anglais (comme les cartes), donc qu'il faudra traduire pour les francophones.Bref, un très bon jeu au vu du rapport qualité/prix.


Livré rapidement. Super

I'll admit I pre-ordered these in part because the price was so low (around $12). I also wanted another "edgier" deck option for querants to choose from and had recently purchased the 8 Coins Tattoo tarot, which many adore, but to me seemed less "tattoo parlour" and more "16 year old girl's random sketchbook with cutesy doodles and 12 or soEd Hardy throwback tributes." I am no tattoo afficianado but "Ink & Intuition" hit that nail square on the head that "8 Coins" only dinged.Among the Majors The Fool, The Magician, a fantastic lovers, The chariot (which actually has an element of speed and movement - a welcome change from the sense og static immobility many artists bafflingly attribute), Death and a tattoo covered Star.The devil is a near generic copy of the Marsielles original and feels like a missed opportunity. This is the only real "bad card" of the deck.The Court is the stabdiut here with a bit of edge that gives this very classic feeling dack a bit of modern sass. The Queen of Swords is a badass, arms raised holding her sword ready to attack at a moment's notice while the Queen of Cups is complete glam while showing off her back and arm tattoos. The King of Cups rocks a high face haircut to show off his skull tat and looks like Adam Levine's long lost twin brother. The Knave of Wands scowls while both the Knave of Cups and of Pentacles blur refreshingly blurring genderlines in their apoearance. Having a court that has a bit of personality and flair tha at extends beyond the Queen of Wands makes all the difference in a deck.This is a Marsielles deck with means the minors are "pips" and are depictions of the object of the suit and with the numeric equivalent of that object presented. The minors are not fully illustrated. For example the 6 of Wands does not depict a man on horseback in a victory parade being cheered on by the crowd, but rather just 6 wands arraanged in a visually aesthetic patteen. Look closely, though, and you'll see a green leaf victory laurel behind the wands symbolizing the aspects of recognition, appreciation and victory associated with this card. There are symbolic subtleties to the card interpretations on the minors much in the same vein as to what the Pagan Otherworlds deck did with its minors albeit not quite as clever.The card back is a fully reversible red line design on a white background that echoes your standard playing cards. The card stock is thick and of quality so hopefully the usual handwringing that accompanies the release of any mass market deck will not be be necessary by those to who this is a primary concern. The box the deck comes in makes doubles as a nicer quality 2 piece storage box which goild foil accents decorating the top and sides of the box and a built in recess with a lifting Ravenna allowing the cards to stay secured when not in use and be easily removed from the box by lifting the ribbon. I do hope that somebody over at Llewellyn publishing is gifted a copy of this deck so they can see the proper way to make a product box that doubles as a storage box as they never make their recesses deep enough to hold the entire deck making their boxes all but useless. Llewellyn may want to take note of the cardstock too just in case if they have forgotten would actual quality card stock looks like.There is a full color leaflet in lieu of a LWB that offers a instructions for use, a few basic spreads, brief explanations for both the Major and Minor arcana but strangely does not address each court as an individual but each rank as a whole while not addressing the suit.This omission of the court explanation and that the minors are essentially pips, despite their visual cues, as they still would benefit from some memorization and/or familiarity, make this a deck just slightly out of reach for beginners. This would make a wonderful second or third deck. And for those RWS enthusiasts who immediately turn their nose up and eschew any deck that uses pips, may I remind you your beloved The Wild Unknown is pretty much a pip deck.This is a fantastic deck that will make an interesting addition to any tarot collection.

This deck is very distinct, it has a notable presence for sure. It reminds me very much of Saturday morning cartoons 15 years later with a couple facial scars, a cigarette in its mouth going 95 mph down a desolate highway on a motorcycle somewhere in the Midwest. It doesn't feel necessarily look or feel friendly yet it has an aesthetic and knows how to work it. The physicality of the cards is great. They're very thick and will be very durable to those who shuffle like an abusive Russian gym coach on a minor. The size is on the longer side yet isn't crazy. The box is sturdy and can safely house the cards, not to mention its gorgeous. There's also very little bend to them and they're completely matte. In terms of symbology the deck relies heavily on shape, direction and movement to mechanistically communicate rather than archetypal symbology defined by human events. The only place where archetypes can be clocked is in the Major Arcana and even then they're stripped back to the bones in most of the cards, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Color also seems to be a distinct mechanistic aspect to the deck. Roses, Celtic knots and other loose and limitedly defined lines without notable form are used as flint for intuition notable in the Minor Arcana. The colors in and of themselves appear in a way reminiscent of the way they would appear on a well colored tattoo. Deep in dimension with lovely saturation yet without the brightness and vividness you would probably get on a canvas that isn't human skin. The Court suit is one of the most distinct parts of the deck. The figures presented have an objective sex appeal to them, even in the knave (page) suit. The feminine cards remind me a lot of a teenage boy's playboy posters in his family's home that he ponders fondly on in his private life, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The feminine cards in this deck are sexy and that sex appeal is expressed as empowerment rather than submission. Now for some final personal input, this deck will be incredibly hard to read if you don't have an established personal approach to the Minor Arcana. Without any form of traditional context you'll be going in blind and there isn't a whole lot of give and take in regards to the decks energy, it's very strong on the "give" side. This deck is very masculine in my opinion, and definitely not in a bad way. The feminine aspect of the deck is something very far off and almost like an oasis in a desert when read next to other cards, like a mirage. This deck is not nurturing when you read it, at least from my perspective. It communicates a lot like your best friend from 5th grade's cool older brother who's a junior in high school. He's hot and wise given the macrocosmic to microcosmic perspective defined by your interaction yet he still has the communicative delivery of an honest adolescent boy. It's direct and honest probably to a fault, even for the standard of the Tarot as a divinatory tool in general. This deck may even be ideal for shadow work.

Pros:Well DrawnEasy to handle (not too big to shuffle)Durable/ Not cheap or flimsyCons:*The Justice card is #8 in this deck while the Strength card is #11Inconsistent descriptions of the cards in the bookletIf you read based on card meaning AND pictures, some of the cards have limited visuals to help you read.Suggestions:Use these cards as clarifying cards based on the traditional meaning of each card.*Don't let the Justice/Strength card number swap distract you if you use numerology in your readings.Edit: I took this rating from 3 starts to 4 after discovering that I was wrong in my assumption that the Justice card has always been 11 and the Strength card 8. Some early decks do have the inverse card numbering (like the Oswald Wirth deck). Look for the asterisk mark (*) in my review for clarification.

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